And today, that little girl turns 60! Sixty years holds a lot of adventures and stories, some of which I've heard, others that I haven't, some that I probably never will, and maybe a few I don't need to know. But, what I do know is that in the 30 years I've been around, Patty, as she goes by, my Mom, has been the Best Friend and Mom I could have ever asked for or dreamed of. My mom is one of the most caring and generous people. She feeds the family dogs better than some people get fed!
She's strong minded (just like her mom), a good listener,
a quirky character
and absolutely passionate about her family. She loves us all through and through.
She's always been there for me, putting everyone first before herself, and making sure I had all the opportunities to make my dreams come true. Taking off countless time from work to go to Dr.'s appointments, gymnastics and dance practices; always rooting for me during t-ball games, making my lunch everyday; and spoiling me rotten (although I think I'm pretty good considering). Making me laugh; offering her shoulder to cry on whenever I needed it; not trading me in during my pubescent years (even though she may have thought about it); being a sounding board; and telling me everything will be all right.
The list is endless when I start to think of everything she's done for and given to me. So you can see my predicament, when I try to think of something to give my Mom, one of the most generous women, for her birthday, and a special one at that! You see, the thing is, what do you get for someone who has always given you everything selflessly. It's not easy.
Well, I did get something, but she'll have to wait to open that.
In the mean time...
I can't say thank you enough for everything you do everyday. I love you.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Thank you sweetheart for the best birthday present a Mom could ever have no matter how old I am....your love and respect. I love you too my "little girl."