
Monday, February 7, 2011

Random Babble

What is this?

So how did I find out? I asked the Bug Man (a.k.a. my husband, who knows anything and everything about the natural world, especially bugs!).

Wanna know the answer? Read on....

Apparently, it's a good thing I didn't get too close. This is commonly known as an Oil Beetle or Blister Beetle, part of the genus Meloe. (I told you he would know.) They get their name from the oily droplets of hemolymph released from their joints when disturbed; the oily substance contains cantharidin, a poisonous chemical causing blistering of the skin and painful swelling. This is why Mom's tell you look but don't touch!!! Because nature has built-in self defense systems.

So my question is, what is ours? Fear. Goose bumps. Shivers down the spine. A plain bad feeling, or pit in the stomach. Throwing a punch in self defense, doesn't seem quite as cool.

Maybe the force is within us all, if we just believe. Which brings me to my favorite Superbowl Commerical:

How many people do you think will buy the new VW Passat now?

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