
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trials and Tribulations: 5k here I come

So, we started running and working-out upon returning from our vacation in Serbia, as we ate way too much! I will come back to this in future posts.

And our neighbor put a little bug in our ears last should run a 5k. And what do you know? There is one coming up September 10th that is supposed to be downhill; at least that's how it's being marketed. I will let you know. I have suspicions that it's not as easy as it sounds, since the guy told me today when I was buying new shoes that it actually is up and down. Oh boy!

We did sign up...and I think it's a good goal and motivator to keep running and push myself a little more every time; because, I sure don't want to be the last one coming across the finish line. (Shh...honestly, that's my worst fear. But, if that does happen, it won't be the end of the world.)

So, the goal is to run at least 3 times a week, on a 5k path, and push myself a little farther each time.

Tuesday, August 9th. First Run equalled disaster. I tried to keep up with my husband, and I was tired less than a half mile in. Not the right pace for me. I slowed down to find my pace but I was pretty much off for the rest of the run. I think I did a 2.8 mile path that evening. Definitely not running the whole time.

Thursday, August 11th. Second run was a much needed improvement. Mainly for my morale, since Tuesday's run was so bad. Also, this was at 6:30am in the morning, and the weather was much more pleasant. Still humid though. I think I like running in the mornings better's quiet and its all my time. No one else interupting my thoughts. However, my body disagrees when the alarm goes off. Anyway, this time, I was able to make 2.33 miles running at my pace, which might be slow, but I don't care; I'm just proud of myself for making it that far. Two weeks ago, I couldn't run that far.

So technically, I only ran twice this week. But we are interchanging our runs with this crazy thing called P90X for strength. (I don't like this's evil!) Hence, why we didn't run today, Saturday, Augst 13th...because I can barely move my legs and butt after yesterday's workout.

I did by new shoes today, so I kind of ran (maybe for 4 minutes total). They have a treadmill at this store...Big Peach Running Co., so you can actually test out the different shoes. I definitely recommend. But yikes, there is no discount on these shoes! I guess a few less dollars is better than achy, or achier feet and legs.

So here I go...5k ready or not.


  1. I bought shoes at Big Peach when I was home in GA in July! Loved the treadmill/video thing. I've had "gait analyses" before but have pretty much taken their word for it; Big Peach was neat cause I got to see it myself in the video! Good luck with your running--you should try the Couch 2 5K (C25K) program if you have an iphone. I haven't tried it but I hear people talking about it all the time on blogs & twitter!

  2. Good luck on your training... Good shoes and good weather really make a big difference. Frank took me to the Big Peach Running Co. last year for my b-day and I've ran so much better since, at my pace that is. Anyways, can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks.
