On saturday, my family got together and we ran/walk a 5k to promote awareness and help find a cure for colon cancer. I haven't always been a runner, and I'm still working at it, but running and participating in 5k's particularly this one (to honor my grandfather), reminds me of how lucky I am and to be thankful everyday for my health and the ability to do physical activities. It's easy to take that for granted. And, as much as I struggle some days when I run, I'm truly inspired by those individuals who have overcome illness/all odds and are running (and kicking my arse at it too!).
Undy 5000 Atlanta, GA 11/12/11
A special congrats to Draga (my mother-in-law), who two years to the day (11/12/09) broke her leg (femur); and she finished the walk in under 1 hour!
15. Wine
I love wine. White or Red. And I'm thankful, someone, somewhere, along the way figured out that fermenting fruits made great beverages. I actually did a quick search....and what do you know, the French did not invent wine. The earliest traces of wine production from fermenting grapes has been traced back 8,000 years ago to Georgia (the one located between Western Asia and Eastern Europe, not here in the good 'ole south). Which, if you look at a map, this makes sense. Subtropical; not too hot, not too cold. And a decent amount of rain.
So how did the grapes get to France? The Romans of course! Ok...enough history.
If you're in Napa/Sonoma, I highly recommend a visit to Lava Vine. It's the only place we joined as case club members last year on our trip to Napa. It's amazing wine. You'll be thankful you tried it. I promise! In vino veritas.
14. The Internet & Wikipedia
The internet is a virtual encyclopedia. Anything and everything you want to know, you can pretty much find here. And I love wikipedia; this has been an amazing little tool and provides some educational value on long road trips for looking up random facts and info about my favorite bands, places to visit, food, etc. I've been able to expand my knowledge, and at a moment's notice, look up anything that peaks my interest, or that I want to learn more about. (Like where wine has been traced back to!)
LOVE THIS SERIES. There is so much to be thankful for during the holidays and everyday of the year. Your reasons to be thankful have been very refreshing. They're full of laughter and love. They are witty and funny and they contain some beautiful stories. These thoughts should be written in a journal to share with future generations.