
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Freedom of Speech

On this Independence Day, I'm going to take a minute to exercise my right to free speech and get on my soap box. I'll try to make it short though...

I've often thought that for my generation freedom and independence was a given, and something we take for granted. Because, it's not like we've had a hand in fighting for it. 

However, as I was reading the news this morning about more unrest in Egypt, coupled with a recent conversation with my Dad and thoughts about last weeks SCOTUS ruling, I took a moment to reflect. We (and by we, I mean Americans) may not be fighting for freedom and independence from government rule, but we are still fighting for freedom of oppression from each other. 

It is our constitutional right to have beliefs and opinions, but it's how we act upon them that either sparks a fire for bias and prejudice, or cultivates a deep reverence for diversity.

Unfortunately, bias seems to come much easier than understanding. I suppose because you don't have to educate yourself...I think the saying is "ignorance is bliss." Except that it's not. It's just lazy.

We've all succumb to laziness in some form or fashion, whether we want to admit it or not, but we have to keep pushing ourselves to fight for and towards the founding principles of this country...freedom and equality. We are the melting pot of the world after all, so if we can't embrace our differences and see the beauty in that, then we've failed ourselves, and as a role model to those who are literally still fighting for this dream.


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