
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Tonight was glee night. I'm not a devout watcher, but every time I do, it provides a good laugh. But tonight, it sparked two questions:

First. Do you think high school glee clubs or chorus memberships have spiked since the debut and increased popularity of the show?

Second. Who actually sings those songs? This answer was a little easier to determine. Yes. Apparently they do. All the actors pre-record their songs, and lip sync during filming. Interesting.

On a side note, we uncovered that glee is set in Lima, OH. Lima (pronounced like Lima Bean) happens to be one of my husband's travel destination highlights. Or not. The city is home to just over 40,000 residents according to the last census. It also happens to be 65 miles from Hicksville. I kid you not. I'm sure it's a quaint little town. It just produced a gleeful smile across my face.

Ok. Enough cheese for the evening.

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