
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

24 Days of Thanks: #'s 24 & 23

November is the month we spend recovering from our sugar-induced coma on Halloween and preparing for one of the only days we get a free pass on totally over indulging on food. And for me, my birthday falls on November 1st (Yay to being 31! I'm not being sarcastic either.), which means birthday cake. And I typically eat 2/3 of it all by myself. Of course not in one sitting, thankfully. So, this time of year is one of my favorites. Not just for the sweet-loaded holidays, but because this time of year, food and all, brings together friends and families. We often drift over the year with our own resolutions and easily get absorbed back into the monotony of daily fast-paced life.

So, I thought, why not spend the next 24 days leading up to the biggest feast of the year, and ponder on why we celebrate this holiday, by sharing 24 things that I'm thankful for.

So here's the first two (I 'm going to count down, but I don't know that these are in any particular order of importance.):

#24. My birthday. I know this sounds a little selfish, but I'm thankful that my parents decided to have a kid after 10 years or so of being married, and thankfully it was me that came out on November 1, 1980. And birthdays, really are the best. You get spoiled and if you like sweets, it's the one time you get to have your cake and eat it too!

#23. My house. It was built in 1954, and it's been fun...renovations and all. When we moved in, the kitchen was like walking into a retro dream, orange and yellow wallpaper and harvest gold appliances along with four layers of linoleum on top of wood floors. Really?! What were they smoking in the 60's and 70's! The best...there was a pencil sharpener attached to the wall in the den (like the one you used when you were in elementary school). What I would give to know when and why that was put there. Anyway, I do like our old house. It's not perfect by any means (not because of the above statements; we modernized the kitchen and removed the pencil sharpener, since we removed the wall). But, the bathrooms are small, the closest are almost non-existent, and we have no garage. But we have an amazing backyard for our Juno to run around in, and we were able to build the kitchen of our dreams in a space that before wasn't well used. The fact that it's not too big, makes us work harder at not having too much stuff (which in reality, you don't need all that stuff, unless it goes in the kitchen). And, there's not as much to clean! Ultimately though, it's the place I look forward to coming to at the end of every day. Where my hubby and junebug are waiting for me.


  1. Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a blast and that you're still eating cake. :) I love the idea of listing out all the things you're thankful for--I should try that. An exercise in gratitude. :)

  2. How much is that doggy in the window?

  3. @Claire Still eating cake to my waist's demise.
    @V she's not for sale, but if you give her a treat, I'm sure she'll be all yours!
